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1Lyra worked quickly, and within a few minutes every dæmon was free.
2As Mary said that, Lyra felt something strange happen to her body.
3Lyra said to them, Listen, you better go and keep watch, right.
4Salmakia realized what Lyra had meant, and said to Tialys: She's right.
5Lyra was following this closely, and seeing Iorek still unwilling, she said:
6The longer he played, the longer Lyra and Jyn had to escape.
7Lyra thought she could even hear them: a vast distant whispering swish.
8Lyra heard a tiny whisper; obviously Pantalaimon had squeezed in beside her.
9Lyra suddenly understood the Master's curious behavior on the morning she'd left.
10She said, Lyra, there's someone else in the lab-policeofficers or something.
11And I don't want it for myself; I want it for Lyra.
12Lyra longed to help her dear friend, but what could she do?
13Dame Hannah, I don't think you've met Lyra...Lord Asriel's niece, you know.
14Now that Lyra had a task in mind, she felt much better.
15They were the first people he had ever seen in Lyra's world.
16Lyra heard these tales at first with glee and later with despondency.